Critical NW

July 15th–21st, 2024
Granite Falls, WA

This year we focus on the interconnection and balance of all things.

As atoms cast from dying stars arise eons later in new life, we model the dynamic energies of cosmic equilibrium. Night and day, sky and earth, flower and decay.

“As Above, So Below” is a reflection on who we were and what we become, our connection to all cycles, and the illusion of contrast.

We look forward to seeing what interpretations of the theme you bring this year.

News and Updates

Critical’s next Work Weekend is coming up June 23rd and 24th!

Did you know that one of the many amazing things that the Critical community does every year is come together and help support the stewardship of the beautiful land that hosts us? This happens through a series of Work Weekends!

The first Work Weekend is right around the corner and we’d love to have you join us! This one happens May 18th and 19th, and you’ll get to see friends, help support Critical, and get out into the woods!

Not that you need more encouragement, but… The work weekends can help you can get free/reduced tickets to Critical for next year (2025). Many people fulfill a lot of their volunteer hours pre-event this way!

Please sign-up for the day(s) that work for you:

Sign-up here!

SignUps are open for all volunteer opportunities!

Grab your shifts now and be a part of making this magical event happen.

Volunteer hours completed this year will go towards next year’s ticket- 12 hours=guaranteed ticket, 24 hours=guaranteed 1/2 price ticket, and 36 hours=guaranteed FREE ticket.

Volunteering before the event at work weekends counts toward your hours, too (one coming up in June)!

Please be sure to sign up for each volunteer shift with your INW email and legal name. Keep an eye out for weighted shifts to count for extra hours.

Sign-up to Volunteer here!

The Critical Commuter Bus has pulled into the station! 

Parking Passes are always at a premium for Critical, so this year we are introducing the Critical Commuter Bus!

Pick up on Monday July 15th from Tacoma, Tukwila, Central District, Northgate, Everett, and Granite Falls. Return on Sunday July 21st to all mentioned locations.

Tickets are Round Trip

Price for Tacoma, Tukwila, Central District, Northgate, and Everett are 70$ per person. Price for Off Site Parking at the Granite Falls Middle School is 25$ per person.

Additional details can be found on the ticket site. This is a brand new pilot program, so we know that this will not meet everyone’s needs this year. If successful, we are looking to expand our offering and bring more access to the event! 

Ticket sales are live at:


Help build the Burnable Sculptures at Critical!

Critical Northwest is seeking community artists to design and build the small burnable sculptures for this year’s two burns. Interested? Please complete this form by June 20: Form


Photos courtesy of @espressobuzz

General Info and FAQ

Critical Northwest is an official Burning Man regional event sponsored by Ignition Northwest.

For over a decade and a half Critical Northwest has been dedicated to championing the spirit and principles of Burning Man in the Pacific Northwest. Every July we gather together to embrace the spirit and vision of the playa as we build something new right here in the woods and mountains of home.

Burning Man link

Ignition NW link 

Are you new to our Critical Northwest Community? Welcome! Please note these essential pieces of information for first timers:


  • You MUST register with Ignition NW as an INW Firestarter in order to participate in Critical NW. Visit their website to learn more about INW, the nonprofit that oversees Critical and numerous other Burning Man events in the Puget Sound area throughout the year. Become a Firestarter today by following the link on the INW website to join, and be sure to check out other ways to get involved with INW! Joining also gets you added to the Critical NW newsletter. 
  • Once you have registered as an INW Firestarter, don’t forget to follow us on social media for regular event updates, and for engaging with our community year round. Join the Critical NW Facebook group here! 

Interested in ways that you can get involved in Critical Northwest right now? Looking for ways to make a meaningful impact in our community? Watch this space and our socials for updates on volunteer opportunities, work weekends, and more! 

CNW 2024 also still needs more great folx to join the Production Team as Leads. For more info and to apply, click here!

– Tickets will remain at $210
– Infrastructure vehicles will remain at $0
– There will be NO RV Vehicle (powered) passes (previously there were only five available)
– All vehicle passes will increase to $50 each (Parking, Theme Camp Vehicle, and Sleeping Vehicle)
– Our Parking team is figuring out how many more spots DPW cleared, but there will for sure be more!
– In/Out Passes will still go through an application process & remain at $50 each

There are many reasons for ticket transfers to occur each year, and several different ways that happens depending on the type of ticket being transferred.


Please see this linked page with all the most up to date info on completing any transfers you need to do.

Mon-Fri: 10 AM to 10 PM
Sat: 10 AM to 1 PM


Your vehicle will be marked with your arrival time, after which you have one hour to unload before parking. Pull over completely while you unpack so others can continue to use the roads.

Unload and park before setting up your camp. Space to unload is limited, especially in walk-in camping, and others will be waiting to get in after you.

There is a strict 5 MPH speed limit for all roads. This includes the long road to our


Additionally, ONLY mutant vehicles and official use vehicles can drive on Electric Avenue, Pussycat Path, or Firefly lane or after 8 PM anywhere on site.

If you arrived late and didn’t get to parking before they closed, please pull off the road completely for the night and get your car in the lot when they open at 10 AM.


Re-entry is only available to those who arranged an in-out pass in advance of the event. Note that an In/Out pass is tied to ONE PERSON and ONE VEHICLE. Anyone over 18 leaving or re-entering the event must show their ID.

Every child under the age of 18 must have a sober, trusted adult available and able to be located at all times.

Production and Rangers have collected the following info for all children brought into the event:

  • Guardian/parent name legal and answerable names, and relationship to minor
  • Minor’s legal and answerable names
  • Campsite location with detailed home tent/camp description
  • Age of minor
  • Mobile number and alternate contact number
  • INW Firestarter Email address
  • Two instant photos of both child and onsite guardian taken at Gate (one for Producers, the other for Rangers)

Should any of your info change mid-event, please reach out to Rangers for assistance updating.

Sound plays an important role in how we interact and communicate with each other. A part of this is understanding amplified sound and how it impacts those surrounded in a shared auditory space. The purpose of the CNW Sound Policy is to have a respectful environment for each other and our hosts, the Masons. It is our shared responsibility to create an event which sustains positive experiences for all participants.

Sound Policy Breakdown:

  • Daytime Hours:
    • Weekdays: 9 a.m.–midnight
    • Weekends (Friday–Saturday nights): 9 a.m.–2 a.m.
  • During Daytime Hours, registered sound camps’ amplified sound levels may not exceed 90 dBC at 20 feet from the source. 
  • During Daytime Hours, all other camps’ amplified sound levels may not exceed 70 dBC at 20 feet from the source.
  • Night hours:
    • Weekdays: 12 a.m.–9 a.m.
    • Weekends: 2 a.m.–9 a.m. 
  • During Night Hours, registered sound camps’ sound levels may not exceed 80 dBC at 20 ft from the source (approximately the loudness of a vacuum cleaner or garbage disposal). We do our best to place registered sound camps so as to direct sound away from quieter areas. 
  • During Night Hours, all other camps are expected to limit all noise levels to conversational volume (60 dBC at 10 feet from camp boundary), and may not use powered subwoofers.
  • Loudness will be measured with a C-weighted SPL meter
  • No sound source, regardless of camp or time of day, may exceed 90 dBC at 20 feet from the source. 
  • Rangers and production team members will have access to audio measuring equipment and will be available to assist with questions or concerns about sound levels and policy.
  • Quick Reference laminates will be given to registered camps as they check in.

ONE: Be Prepared | The Right Tools Make All the Difference

     • Remove excess packaging and prepare meals at home.

     • Bring enough water to sustain your needs.

     • Reduce your water use with the wipe-spray washing system

     • Inspect your vehicle for leaks; we have cardboard if needed

     • Leave sequins, feather, glitter, and beaded finery at home

     • NO GLITTER, not even a little bit, not even biodegradable

TWO: Manage Your Worksite …and Your Waste

     • Strain your gray water to remove any food scraps

     • Make sure your compost bucket has a tightly fitted lid

     • Use sawdust to absorb odors and moisture

     • NO dumping gray water outside the gray water tanks (Note, the gray water tanks

are for small amounts of gray water only. If you have a large amount, pack it


     • There are no dumping or collection services onsite

THREE: Respect the Canvas | Leave No Trace

     • Use only existing trails and campsites

     • Do not bushwack your way into a “better site”

     • Carry a bag to collect MOOP you find along your adventures

     • Watch for roots when from pounding stakes or rebar

FOUR: Protect Your Source of Inspiration | Respect Wildlife

     • Do not stack rocks. Stacking rocks disrupts many species of river life.

     • Dish water and shower water is grey water! Reduce your use and only dump in

grey water collection tanks

     • Secure all trash and compost from animals

     • Puddles and standing water will attract MOSQUITOES

     • Stay on trails to avoid damage to food sources

     • No matter how cute they are, please do not pet or feed the deer

FIVE: Embrace the Collaborative Spirit – Volunteer

     • Clean as you go so EXODUS is easier

     • MOOP sweep your site every day

     • Sort waste to make disposal easier at home

     • Pack it in, pack it out

     • Volunteer! Help us MOOP sweep various times throughout and after the event.

     • Remember, “if it didn’t come from your body, it doesn’t belong in the potty.”


Sign up for a volunteer shift with LNT!

Purpose: To address the health and safety of participants at Critical Northwest from the risks of respiratory viruses in a congregate setting. 

Policy: Critical Northwest recommends that all participants participate in recommended vaccinations by the CDC based on age and risk factors. These include COVID and Influenza vaccination for the general population. This may include RSV and Pneumococcal vaccination in susceptible populations (those who have been privileged to age, those with impaired immune functioning).

Individuals who develop a fever of 100.4 degrees or greater AND upper respiratory symptoms such as congestion, shortness of breath, cough, or runny nose will be asked to return home and advised to seek medical care, as some infections such as COVID and influenza can benefit from antiviral treatments to reduce severity and duration.

A person recovering from an upper respiratory infection should not attend Critical Northwest until they have been fever free (without fever reducing medications) for 24 hours and their symptoms are improving. These persons should wear a mask in congregate settings for 5 days (120 hours).  We generally do not recommend returning to Critical Northwest after being asked to leave due to respiratory illness, but requests can be evaluated on a case by case basis. This may require release by a health provider, COVID testing results, commitment to mask wearing and a care plan in the case of symptom return/worsening.  

If you become symptomatic with respiratory illness (fever of 100.4 degrees or greater AND upper respiratory symptoms such as congestion, shortness of breath, cough, or runny nose) the week before coming to the event and are unable to transfer your ticket, the INW Board will roll over your ticket to the 2025 event if you send an email to prior to 11:59pm on Wednesday July 17, 2024, describing your symptoms and affirming that respiratory illness is the reason you are unable to participate. 

We recognize that our presence impacts the land. We acknowledge that all actions leave traces, and we can decide what traces we do leave. Stewardship is more than just not harming our environment, it’s actively working to support its resilience and its ability to support us and others.

Environmental stewardship is the use and protection of natural environments in responsible ways. This includes conservation and sustainable practices. The ultimate goal is to enhance ecosystem resilience, while simultaneously enhancing human well-being.

Resilience is the ability of an ecosystem to respond to a disturbance or change and recover, ideally back to its original state or function. Human activities have a profound effect on ecosystems. How can we be in line with these principles as we play at Critical NW?

The Stewardship team works closely with the caretakers of the Masons Family Campground to adjust the natural environment to fit the human needs AND work with the environment. We are working on invasive plant removal and tree planting to replace the diseased Hemlocks with Western Red Cedar in hopes to sustain the tree canopy. In partnership with the Masons caretakers and community we strive to protect and enhance the environmental assets.

Fire performers interested in spinning fire at Critical NorthWest will need to register prior to the event (registration will be posted in June). Performers are required to attend a safety class prior to lighting up at the event, and these will be posted & held at Fire Camp multiple times during the week. Ignited performances are only permitted in the performance area, at fire safety approved spaces, or with a fire safety lead present.


Personal fire insurance will NOT be required for individual performers, as INW was able to procure event insurance which includes this coverage. We look forward to lighting up and burning safely with you!!!

Production and DPW begin the work of building Critical well before everyone arrives, and their work doesn’t end when everyone leaves. Exodus times are strictly enforced to ensure that our crew has adequate time for teardown.

Here are some tips to make your exodus a snap:

  • Pack before you get your car.
  • All participants in open camping must be GONE by noon on Sunday. Not packing, not loading. GONE.
  • Theme camps have until 5 PM Sunday to be off site.
  • Have some unopened food or drinks? Donate to our LNT team on your way out!

Forms and Sign-ups

Having the ability to leave and return to Critical during the event is really important for some in our community. It does take a certain level of planning on the Production Team, and so we need everyone that hopes to come and go during Critical to fill out the following form to facilitate that planning.


In/Out Pass Application

Planning to host an event during Critical this year? We have 2 options for how to send us that information.

You can fill out the form for submissions here. Link

You can also request a spreadsheet to fill out and send in to the Communications team by emailing

For Critical 2024 all event submissions to the Field Guide are now closed.

Grab your shifts now and be a part of making this magical event happen.

Volunteer hours completed this year will go towards next year’s ticket- 12 hours=guaranteed ticket, 24 hours=guaranteed 1/2 price ticket, and 36 hours=guaranteed FREE ticket.

Volunteering before the event at work weekends counts toward your hours, too (one coming up in June)!

Please be sure to sign up for each volunteer shift with your INW email and legal name. Keep an eye out for weighted shifts to count for extra hours.

Sign-up to Volunteer here!

Are you interested in joining the Critical Conclave and spinning before the Effigy burn on FRIDAY night?! Are you a performer who wants to join the open burns? Got poi and want to light it on fire?! Then let us know!

CriticalNW Producers and the Fire Art Safety Team [F.A.S.T.] Leads are providing performance fuel and dip station for you once again this year! Required Safety Meeting for any who wish to perform or open burn, Wednesday & Friday @3pm at Fire Camp. Safeties will be provided by F.A.S.T. for Conclave performances and Effigy Burn on FRIDAY night, performers are expected to help safety during open burn times with at least 1 member (or designee) from F.A.S.T. present.


Register to be a Fire Performer here!

We’re still accepting art applications to place your art!

Grants and DGS are already finalized for Critical 2024, but you can have your art placed and experience the joy of sharing your art at Critical!

Submit your art application here!

Code of Conduct

Let’s be awesome together.

Conduct is expected to be of the highest standards and must at all times be appropriate for a family setting. The following are strictly prohibited and may result in expulsion from the grounds and/or revocation of ticket:

  • Unwanted, harassing or inappropriately lewd behavior or language
  • Over-intoxication
  • Use of illegal substances
  • Any conduct that is criminal
  • Causing, attempting to cause, or threatening injury or damage of another person or their property
  • Use of firearms or fireworks
  • Photography or video camera use without permission
  • Transphobic, Homophobic, Sexist, Ableist, Racist, or Hateful actions, threats, or acts against any person

Ignition Northwest/Critical Northwest, at their sole discretion, reserve the right to revoke the ticket of and/or require any person to vacate the premises for reasons of nuisance, improper conduct or other rule violations, without refund of ticket fees.

For more details on our code of conduct, click the button below:


Contact us

The Principles

Join Critical NW Production

As a production lead you will work with co-leads, supported by producers and directors, to plan and implement the function of your department.

Starting in February you will: attend weekly staff meetings; attend the leads retreat in April; manage timelines and budgets; communicate effectively with your director, co-leads, and other production departments; recruit and manage volunteers as applicable; and other duties specific to your department. 

During the event in July, production leads actively manage their department’s function and volunteers, working in shifts agreed upon by co-leads and director, and troubleshooting as needed.

Production is a fun, rewarding experience with lots of perks including:

  • Being the change you want to see in the event!
  • A free ticket for yourself
  • Option to camp in Productionland, with actual showers and flushing toilets!
  • Available meals and snacks while on duty at the event

Production staff are expected to:

  • Be a member of Ignition Northwest in good standing
  • Comply with applicable laws and INW policies, including the COVID-19 policy
  • Treat people with respect and dignity

The Ambassador leads work alongside & train the amazing volunteers who get to en-culturate participants as they enter the event. Their primary responsibilities are to greet, ensure participants have read the Survival Guide, and hand out event swag (field guides, special event pendants, wristbands, etc.). The Ambassador team answers general questions about the event, the 10+ Principles, and more! Leads also provide entry expectations and assist with the management of traffic into the event. This role has a significant amount of interaction with the Gate, Parking and Spacement teams.

The Artist Support & Grants leads assist with coordinating & communicating with those who have submitted Art that has been placed, help ensure artists have requested the right amount of space, power, and/or any heavy equipment needed for them to succeed, and make sure all the granted art gets documented & photographed so we can show the community what beautiful / interesting / exciting things you helped fund. These leads ensure granted artists have submitted the necessary information to obtain placement for granted art, have a space coordinated for their granted (and non-granted) workshops to be held, and that they are aware of the deadlines and expectations associated with their Grants. This role collaborates heavily with the INW Art Grants Committee, Spacement, and DPW teams.


Additional Role Requirements:

  • Serve on the INW Grants Committee and communicate pertinent information to artists & Spacement

Artistic Vision leads set the stage for the current year’s theme at the event site. This team plans, orders, and manages installation/deinstallation of the lighting, street names, burma shave (those rad little entry signs!), and street signage throughout the event. This role interfaces heavily with the Spacement, Grants / Artist Support, and DPW teams.

This team assists with the verification of INW Firestarter memberships for both the Facebook group and ticket purchases and transfers, coordinates with producers on the sale dates, assists Design team as needed with updates requested for the ticketing platform, provides Gate with pertinent information daily for participant entry into the city, and assists with the transfers of certain types of tickets/passes. This role collaborates heavily with producers, Gate, and Communication.

New for 2024, Census is responsible for surveying Critical NW participants with the help of volunteers and establishing a dataset to better understand our community. The ideal candidate will have skills including: statistical data analysis, cultural sensitivity, survey methods, and research study design.

The Communications team engages participants before, during, and after the event with informative messaging incorporating the year’s theme, the 10+ Principles, and other pertinent information. 

Communications regularly updates and interacts with the Critical NW website, newsletter, and social media. This role works closely with event producers and the community.

Additional Role Requirements:

  • Monitor email/social media, answering questions and flagging appropriate departments
  • Create and execute a scheduled communication plan
  • Attend monthly INW Communication Committee meetings

The Design team collaborates with producers to create a cohesive visual story for Critical Northwest based on that year’s theme. Design leads create overall visual design and digital art assets for, a library of digital assets to be used for signage and other printed materials by other department leads, the event map, design of the official event badges and wristbands. Design leads also assist production departments with design of department swag including stickers, t-shirts, or patches.

DPW has an external process for lead nomination. To learn more about how you can become a member of DPW please email

The Exodus/LNT leads are responsible for leading the cleanup teams for post-event restoration of the Critical NW site, creating a plan for participant exodus including access to/from the site at the gate, and educating the community on Leave No Trace principles. The leads in this role will work with the theme camps, departments, and the production team on their LNT plans and coordinate the production HQ cleaning and trash schedules. This role collaborates with every department, though particularly with Stewardship, Communications and DPW.

Fire Safety is responsible for helping ensure the safety of participants at our event. The leads in this role will update and prepare the safety paperwork for the event permit, work with Artist Support and artists on regulatory safety requirements, perform onsite safety inspections of art installations, flame effects, theme camps, and common areas, and meet with the Fire Marshal and producer during the event. FAST leads will be ready to assume incident command of planned burns and emergency incident responses. 


Additional Responsibilities:

  • Establish working knowledge of pertinent NFPA standards
  • Complete FEMA ICS-100, ICS-200, and IS-15.B training (free, online)
  • Attend Safety Northwest 2024 (April 26th – April 28th, 2024 in Tygh Valley, OR) if feasible
  • Ensure INW Fire Safety equipment is all working and up to code
  • Coordinate with other production departments on safety matters

Gate leads manage participant entry to the event in a safe, efficient, and orderly fashion. They perform ticket verifications, validate all entrants are INW Firestarters, administer & verify paperwork for each participant, provide appropriate tickets/passes/credentials to participants, and assist with troubleshooting / escalations as needed. Gate leads also serve as liaisons with the event’s contracted security staff. This role has a significant amount of interaction with producers, Ambassadors, Box Office, and the INW Board.

New in 2024, the Carts department operates a golf cart shuttle service for participants who could use a little extra help getting to and from Parking. Carts also manages the event’s golf cart fleet, tagging and decorating carts and performing daily maintenance. Before the event, Carts facilitates accessibility issues including service animal registration, ADA porto placement, etc.

Role Requirements:

  • Familiarity with or ability to learn simple vehicle maintenance including checking fluids, tires, and fuel, refueling and refilling, and noticing significant mechanical issues.
  • Empathy (and ideally, familiarity) with ability/accessibility challenges

Hub leads facilitate the community gathering space at Critical where ice is sold, hot beverages can be obtained, workshops are held, volunteer opportunities are posted, and general relaxation can be had. This team is responsible for managing cash ice sales & inventory, verifying IDs for people who’ve purchased ice pre-event, decorating the space in a way that is on-theme and helping to source coffee / tea donations for the event. This team has a significant amount of interaction with the Artist Support / Grants & Artistic Vision teams.

Life Support provides food and beverages to working volunteers. This team curates a grab & go pantry for production staff, plans nutritionally balanced meals for on-shift leads (factoring in known allergies/common dietary restrictions), and brings sundries like snacks, beverages, sunblock, etc. to volunteers around the site Life Support operates whenever volunteers are working: during work parties, the leads retreat, pre-event, and especially during the event. 

Additional Role Requirements:

  • At least one lead in attendance at each onsite work weekend (dates TBD).
  • Hold a current WA state Food Handler’s permit (reimbursement available)
  • Comfortable operating a golf cart

Medical leads advise and collaborate with producers and other safety teams (Rangers, FAST) teams to develop health/safety planning and offer community education. They act as liaisons to the event’s contracted medical vendor, providing cultural context, monitoring health and safety trends, and communication and support as needed. Medical leads also provide First Aid care to participants and staff at all times when the medical vendor is not engaged, including pre- and post-event, work weekends, and the leads retreat. 

Role Requirements:

  • First Aid experience, ideally in a professional emergency medical or urgent care role
  • Minimum First Aid / CPR certification. Current professional medical certification strongly preferred
  • Complete FEMA ICS-100 and ICS-200 training (free, online)
  • At least one lead in attendance at leads retreat and each work weekend (dates TBD)

Parking leads assist with the setup, design, and implementation of onsite parking at the event to maximize the number of vehicles parked while complying with regulations and host requirements. This team manages the event parking lots during gate hours, maintains an accurate count of vehicles that have arrived on site, manages parking passes, and assists with dynamic parking challenges. This role interfaces heavily with the DPW, Gate, Spacement and Power Wheels teams.
Additional Role Requirement:
– Active in the Rideshare/Carpool/Offsite Parking page on Facebook to help answer questions

Power Wheels manages event electrical infrastructure and mutant vehicles. This team maps out power drops and sources, facilitates electrical needs for camps and art installations, obtains necessary equipment, lays out cable and power drops pre-event, removes & stores cable during strike, and responds to emergent power issues during the event. Power Wheels is also responsible for mutant vehicle registration, compliance, and safety. This role collaborates most with the DPW, Spacement, and Art Support teams.

Role requirements:

  • Industrial or event electrical experience

Rangers are organized through the Puget Sound Ranger Council and leads are nominated from within that organization. To learn more about how you can first become a member of Rangers, email

Spacement leads manage theme camp and art placement applications, coordinate with participants on their submissions, and organize placement within the event site. They assist the Design team in creating event maps for participants and staff. Spacement organizes pre-event site visits for theme camp & art project leads and coordinates early arrival requests. During the event, Spacement guides camps and artists to their designated site location and communicates boundaries. This team works with all departments, but especially with Artist Support & Grants and Power Wheels.

Additional Role Requirement:
– At least one lead in attendance at each work weekend (dates TBD)

Stewardship leads work with the caretakers of the Masonic Family Campground, the Critical Northwest event site, to help create a plan for site restoration, updates, and invasive plant removal during work weekends. They coordinate with DPW the tasks to be completed at the INW work weekends as well as educate the community regarding plant life & sustainability of the site and other ways to create connection between our community and the land. This role collaborates with the Masonic Caretakers for the site, producers, and the LNT/ Exodus team. 


Additional Role Requirement:

  • At least one lead in attendance at each work weekend (dates TBD)

The Technology team is tasked with managing radios and software tools to keep production staff and volunteers communicating before and during the event. Technology leads provide support to the production team for software tools including Google Workspace, Slack, and Notion. They maintain INW’s fleet of radios and accessories, set up and maintain radio equipment including antenna and repeater, program and support event and production staff radios, diagnose and troubleshoot radio system issues, train production staff on radio usage and etiquette, and manage onsite radio charging and checkins/checkouts. They also research and implement onsite Internet access for use by Gate and production staff.

Additional Role Requirements:

  • Attend INW Tech Committee meetings
  • Experience programming radios with software tools such as CHIRP

Volunteer Coordinators work closely with all Production leads to help build department schedules, set up volunteer intake forms, help teams with urgent staffing needs both pre-event and onsite, assist leads with volunteer recruitment efforts, and track volunteerism statistics to ensure credit for volunteer hours and data tracking over time. VCs will also actively develop and implement plans to increase volunteerism at the event.