The lighting of the Critical Northwest 2024 Effigy. Photo by EspressoBuzz.
Calling all sculptors! Critical Northwest is seeking community artists to design and build the burnable sculptures for this year’s two burns:
- Friday night: The fire conclave. This is Burn night! A festive celebration of community, art, and expression.
- Saturday night: A memorial fire conclave. This is a more solemn event with a focus on remembrance, saying goodbye, and letting go.
Due to factors we can’t change, such as our heavily forested location and local regulations, there are specific size limits for all burnable structures or sculptures at the event. Below, you’ll find the guidelines these sculptures must meet and resources that Critical Northwest can provide.
- Sculptures must be no larger than 3’x3’x2′.
- There can be up to three individual sculptures incorporated into the full design of the burn.
- Each sculpture must be constructed of additive-free, natural wood. Pressure-treated, plywood, or otherwise chemically-treated lumber may not be used.
- Non-combustible metal fasteners or wire may be used, provided they do not have chemical coatings.
- The ideal proposal for each should incorporate this year’s theme: “Community Garden”
- We have three large braziers to contain the burnable sculptures. Your piece may fit entirely into one 3’x3’x2′ brazier, or may consist of up to three pieces, each up to 3’x’3’x2′ in volume.
- We are offering a grant of up to $400 to cover expenses for each burnable structure, including materials and transportation.
- Some wood from the CNW site will be available for use. This may include branches, firewood-sized rounds, etc. Please join us for a work weekend so you can identify wood you’d like to incorporate into your sculpture.
Please apply no later than April 17 so we can arrange to coordinate at this year’s work weekends. If you have any questions, email