We are excited to announce this year’s Critical NW theme: Community Garden!
At Critical Northwest: Community Garden, we plant the seeds of resilience through the cultivation of creativity and connection. Rooted in the principles of Communal Effort and Radical Inclusion, we gather to support and enrich one another with our unique strengths and talents. Together, we bloom into a vibrant community where each individual’s contribution helps us flourish as a whole.”
Introducing Opt-In SMS Messaging
Are you bad at checking your email? Do you wish you didn’t have to pay attention to social media to get the latest updates from Ignition Northwest? Well, we have a solution…text messages! We’re testing out this method of communication on an opt-in basis. You can expect to get around 2-5 messages per month, containing a link to our regular updates. Sign up now.
Upcoming Ranger Training Interest Form
Ever wondered what the Rangers are all about? Take a training and see if it might be up your alley. Rangering is a great way to get out and see the whole event, learn new skills, help out friends, and earn volunteer hours. Sign up to get notified of this year’s trainings.
Critical Northwest Lead Applications Open Now
Critical Northwest: Community Garden is gearing up with a focus on resilient community. Apply now to join the production team that makes Critical NW possible! We continue to make changes to make volunteering with the production team more fun and sustainable. Thought about joining production but not sure if this year is right for you? Apply and let’s have the conversation!
Have a conduct concern? Submit a report: bit.ly/conduct-report or email conduct@ignitionnw.org
For general questions email communications@ignitionnw.org.
Want to get caught up on what’s been happening in board meetings and committees? Check out our community share drive. It has all our public documentation including meeting minutes, bylaws and event reports.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]